Hey guys so we are alittle over 12 hours into our run of Minecraft quick update. We are taking a break till probably 4 o clock tomorrow for mental health but we are on the home stretch.
Phase 1: Set up base/amass supplies - Done
Phase 2: Go to Hell beat the shit out of Blazes and get Blaze rods (10/10 found)
Phase 3: Go to the Over World beat the shit outta Endermen and get their souls (2/12 found)
Phase 4: Open a portal to The End, fight the Dragon, Get Bitches!
We have a good spot to farm the Enderman and some Diamond Swords so tomorrow we will finish and get those credits rolling.
Side note the pictures above are part of a side goal, we are trying to find the best example of a SnowCoveredSwamp in game...so yea enjoy and see you tomorrow for part 2!
This contains testing precision machining how the sintering method affects the properties of one other known base for magnets - an alloy of neodymium, iron, and boron. The subsequent stage of the work would be the production of bulk permanent magnets appropriate for practical functions. "This is a manually tough process, and 3D bioprinting controls the stress of the droplets and the pace at which the droplets are printed," Sozzani said.